Wednesday, 1 May 2024

How To Clean Brass On A Piano

If your piano has brass hardware, you’ll want to clean it regularly to keep it looking its best. Here’s how to clean brass on a piano:

Start by dusting the brass with a soft, dry cloth. If there’s any stubborn dirt or grime, you can gently scrub it with a soft bristled brush. Next, make a paste of equal parts water and flour and apply it to the brass with a soft cloth. Rub in a circular motion until the paste is evenly applied, then let it sit for 15 minutes.

Why clean brass on a piano?

While many people think of brass as a durable metal, it is actually a relatively soft metal. This means that it can be scratched and tarnished easily. Carlsons piano world manufacturers recommend cleaning brass on a piano every few months to keep it looking its best.

There are a few different ways to clean brass on a piano. One way is to use a soft cloth and soapy water. Another way is to use a commercial brass polish. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Cleaning brass on a piano not only makes it look nicer, but it also helps to prevent corrosion. Corrosion can damage the finish of your piano and affect its ability to produce sound. By keeping your brass clean, you can help extend the life of your piano.

What you need

When it comes to cleaning brass on a piano, there are a few supplies you will need in order to get the job done right. First, you will need a soft cloth or brush. This will be used to wipe away any dirt or debris that is on the surface of the brass. Next, you will need a mild cleaner. This can be something as simple as dish soap or vinegar. Be sure to avoid using anything abrasive, as this can damage the brass. Finally, you will need a polishing cloth or wax to give the brass a shine once it is clean.

How to clean

Piano owners know that keeping a brass piano looking shiny and new is no easy feat. Here are a few steps on how to clean brass on a piano, so that your instrument always looks its best.

Start by dusting the brass with a soft, dry cloth. You can also use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to remove any dirt or debris. If there are any stubborn spots, you can make a paste out of equal parts vinegar and flour and gently rub it onto the affected areas with a soft cloth. Let the paste sit for about 15 minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth.

For an extra shine, you can polish the brass with lemon oil or metal polish. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and always test the product on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure it doesn’t damage the finish.

Additional advice

When it comes to cleaning brass on a piano, there are a few extra tips and pieces of advice to keep in mind. First and foremost, be sure to use gloves when cleaning. This will protect your hands from the chemicals in the cleaners as well as any sharp edges on the brass. Secondly, always wipe in the direction of the grain to avoid damaging the finish. Lastly, be sure to rinse well and dry completely after cleaning to avoid water spots. Following these simple tips will help you clean your brass  safely and effectively.

Brass Parts

Whether it’s a piano or a grand pianos often have brass parts that are vulnerable to weathering or changes in age, temperature and humidity, and/or pet urine. Some of these brass parts include brass plated  hinges and screws, solid brass piano castings, brass  pedals and pedal sticks, brass  foot ferrules, brass piano plates and so on.

At El Dorado Hills Piano Repair and Piano Repair Shop in the Sacramento area, or  movements, we find that the brass on pedals, pedal sticks, and casters (piano wheels) has weakened over the years. . Unfortunately, these defects are not only invisible in brass  parts, but they also cause the defects to catch on parts, restrict movement, and add unwanted noise, especially in the pedals.

Restoration service

As part of our  restoration service we fully restore these parts and when the piano completes our process it is usually better and cleaner than when it was originally made. We can make the brass parts of the piano softer than when the piano was originally made, making it less susceptible to nail damage in the future. One of the processes we use is glass blasting, which involves blasting very fine pieces of glass with a high-pressure system. After the blast marks on the piano parts are finished,

If your piano parts are heavily damaged, we recommend using a cleaning service first and then cleaning with a product like Brasso. Or, if the brass parts on the piano are less of a problem, try cleaning the brass on the piano with a brazo or flint and a soft cloth. You can remove the pieces and clean them or clean them in place. When cleaning the area, do not let the cleaning compounds touch the parts near the piano, as unwanted residue may be left behind. For example, if you’re cleaning brass  pedals, it’s easy to get cleaning compound around the pedal body. We recommend covering the area around the pedal with masking tape, paper or cardboard.


When it comes to cleaning brass on a yamaha piano, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to gather some supplies including white vinegar, a soft cloth, and a toothbrush. Next, you’ll want to mix the vinegar and water together in a bowl. Once you’ve done that, dip your cloth into the mixture and then rub it onto the brass. Be sure to go in small circles and be gentle so you don’t damage the finish. Finally, use the toothbrush to scrub any areas that are especially dirty. Once you’re finished, dry the area with a clean cloth and voila! Your piano will look as good as new.


jessica smith

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