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Business StartUp

Principles of creating spectacular and effective logos

logo designing

What does the logo of Nike, Levi’s, Apple, Chanel look like? We are sure that you will easily answer this question and will be able not only to accurately describe the emblem, but also to recognize the branded product on the store shelf. And this means that the developers did not work in vain. They managed to create branding that is easy to remember and remains recognizable on any media. Do you want the same? We offer to talk about the principles of creating spectacular and effective logos.

What is a logo? Description, tasks, types, components

Logo is a font and/or graphic emblem. Being one of the key elements of corporate identity, it helps to stand out from competitors, simplifies the identification of a company or product, and increases their recognition. Furthermore! The best logos not only solve practical problems, but also work with the emotions of consumers, evoke a positive response, form and support the brand image.

Depending on the design, there are three types of logos – font, graphic, combined. The first group includes logos made using fonts (without a picture). It can be one or more letters, a word, a short phrase. In the latter case, phrases consisting of one or two (rarely three or more) words are used. This group includes logos of Google, Coca-Cola. The second category includes logos, which are some kind of symbol, abstract drawing, and other images. The most famous graphic logo is the bitten Apple apple. But the most widespread are combined logos made using both fonts and graphics. More than half of all brands choose such symbols, including: Fanta, Puma, Starbucks, Ford, Auchan, SDEK.

Based on the above, the list of the main components of the logo includes:

  • Fonts. Both individually designed and selected from ready-made.
  • Graphic elements. From the simplest to the most intricate.
  • Color solution. Logos can be monochrome, black and white, multicolor.

Note! Fonts, graphics, and color alone are not yet a logo. It’s just a collection of elements. A well-chosen and well-thought-out compositional solution turns them into a logo. Every detail matters – the size of the image, the font size, the presence or absence of serifs, the slope of the letters, their location in relation to each other, and dozens of other nuances.

For example, pay attention to the logo of the American postal company FedEx. The size of the penultimate and last letters, as well as the distance between them, are selected in such a way that the free space forms an arrow. Of course, this is not an accident, but a thoughtful decision, symbolizing movement and speed.

As you can see, developing an effective logo is a complex task that requires a creative approach and a creative mindset. No less important is the knowledge of the basics of creating a logo, which we promised to tell you about. So let’s go!

7 rules for creating a company logo

The first design rule is that a good logo starts with information.

Most people who are not related to branding and corporate identity consider the logo to be a beautiful (or not so) picture. To some extent, this is true. But only in part. You can’t take a pencil and draw a logo in a couple of hours. Rather, you can draw, but it will not work.

An effective logo is always based on the results of marketing research. Specialists study and analyze the market, industry trends, competitors, company philosophy and values, as well as dozens of other parameters. With this information, developers create logos that reflect the nature of the brand, attract the target audience, distinguish the company from the general mass of manufacturers, and are well remembered by consumers.

Color affects the perception of the logo and, as a result, the company or product

A person perceives different shades in different ways. This has been proven by numerous studies in the field of psychology and marketing. For example, green is associated with nature, environmental friendliness, freshness. Therefore, it is not surprising that about 70% of agricultural enterprises use it in branding – both when creating a logo, and in general when developing a corporate identity.

Important point! When choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to take into account the mentality of the target audience. A simple example is that in our country black is often associated with mourning, but in Japanese culture it symbolizes joy. If you plan to enter the international market, it is worth clarifying in advance the traditions that have developed in the target country.

Also, when choosing the main and auxiliary colors, the direction of the company’s activities should be taken into account. For example, financial institutions try to emphasize their reliability. That is why flashy colors are most often not used in this area. The best options are: blue, white, gray. Conversely, in the highly competitive FMCG segment, the logo must be visible in order to attract the attention of buyers at first sight. Red, yellow, green will be appropriate here.

The next rule of logo design is shape matters!

Our subconscious reacts not only to color, but also to the geometry of graphic elements. Straight and wavy lines, triangles and circles, even and torn edges – using certain forms, you can broadcast information about certain qualities of the brand. For example:

  • square, triangle, trapezoid and other figures firmly standing on the ground are associated with reliability, stability, endurance;
  • oval, circle, ellipse symbolize the feminine and contribute to the formation of a positive emotional response;
  • horizontal lines are associated with calmness, while vertical ones are perceived as more aggressive.

It’s important to note that the psychology of shapes applies to both graphics and fonts. For example, slanted letters with sharp corners look more dynamic, but at the same time more aggressive. Conversely, rounded fonts will suit those who appeal to the beautiful half of humanity.

Easier is better

This is an important rule for creating a logo and a brand in general.

Corporate symbols are not an end in themselves. The creation of a logo should be considered as the preparation of a tool necessary for solving certain problems in marketing.

In particular, a brand name must increase brand awareness, that is, it must be easy to remember. That is why it is undesirable to use more than 2-3 primary colors, to clutter up the logo field with many geometric shapes, to use several fonts. Such a hodgepodge will make it difficult to perceive information and negatively affect the recognition of a company or its product.

To make it clearer, consider the 1976-1977 Apple logo and the modern version of the logo. The first one, although filled with meaning, is extremely complex due to the abundance of small details. The second is brevity itself!

Versatility is a must for a good logo

Being the basis of corporate identity, the logo is used almost everywhere. It is placed on product packaging, business documents, souvenirs, business cards, employee uniforms and other media. As a consequence, it must be universal.

“When designing a logo, you need to think in advance about how it will look when scaled, and to make your job easier, try this free logo maker tool to get a headstart idea. For example, the more small details a logo contains, the more difficult it is to reduce it. And if such corporate symbols look relatively good on a street billboard, then on a business card it can become completely unreadable.”

Rule #6 – Use Proven Solutions

The desire to create something of your own – new, unique and cutting-edge – is a common mistake of design neophytes. Why error? Because in order to develop solutions that can remain relevant for at least a few years, you need deep knowledge of the subject. Without the necessary base, amateur designers follow the fashion and forget that new fonts or graphics will appear tomorrow.

Note! We are not talking about the fact that you do not need to follow trends and interesting design solutions. But the idea must come first. In this case, the logo will remain relevant for a long time. Conversely, if the main idea is to use the “most modern font”, it is safe to say that after a short time you will need to rebrand.

And one more design principle – the logo does not have to be liked by everyone.

Of course, the opinion of potential consumers cannot be neglected. But it is impossible to please every single person. Look for a reasonable compromise – listen to constructive criticism, study the preferences of the target audience and do not pay attention to individual haters.

What else do you need to know to create a logo?

When planning, creating a logo, as well as developing a corporate identity, an entrepreneur is forced to choose between an independent search for the best solution and professional services. Whichever option you prefer, check out the guidelines below. It won’t take long and will help you avoid common mistakes.

2 tips for self-development

  1. Do not use the solutions offered by online designers in their pure form. All logo generators work on the same principle – the user selects the field of activity, indicates the name of the company and its key characteristics. After that, the system offers several options corresponding to a given market niche. But it is important to understand that these will be categorical decisions that need to be finalized and uniqueized.
  2. Learn from the best, but be yourself. Analyze the logos of well-known brands to understand design principles. Study the branding of your closest competitors. Pay attention to global trends. But never copy the logo of other companies. This is not only useless, but also punishable.

2- Tips for those who are planning to order a logo, corporate identity or branding

  1. Do not neglect filling out the brief. Answer all questions in as much detail as possible and provide as much information as possible about the company, its product, and customers. With this data, specialists will be able to develop an individual solution that reflects the nature of the brand. Such a logo will be not only beautiful, but also effective.
  2. Always give the developer feedback. The more complex the feedback, the easier it is for specialists to understand your requirements, thinking, and preferences. And this means that the result of their work will fully correspond to your ideas about the ideal logo.

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