Saturday, 15 February 2025

Your Start-Up Pre-Launch Checklist

Your Start-Up Pre-Launch Checklist

In the days or weeks before the launch of your new start-up, you will have a lot to think about, and you might end up overlooking some important factors that could affect your success. For that reason, before you decide to launch, below are some areas you need to examine closely and make sure you have ticked all of the boxes and are truly ready to go. 

#1 Make sure your website can reach the maximum number of customers 

For your launch to be a success, you will have to reach as many people as possible and not forget any demographics of your potential audience. This will include all ages and genders as well as those of different levels of abilities. To ensure you are not overlooking a huge potential audience, you should seek out all the facts about accessibility overlays. This way, you can reach anyone who might be interested in your start-up but would not be able to get involved if they cannot see your website or interact with it the same way as others.

#2 Build your social media profile and engage an influencer if necessary

You have probably been sending out teaser posts on social media for some time now, but this is the stage when you need to up your game and start giving people the inside information on what makes your business tick. This will build up confidence in your start-up, and you can add to this by getting a social media influencer involved. If you cannot find one yourself, you could check out social media influencer agencies to see if there is one for your niche with enough followers at the right price.

#3 Find promotional items to give your first customers

You should also spend some time looking for free gifts to give to your customers with their first order. This might seem like an extra cost at what is already an expensive time, but it has multiple benefits. Apart from the fact that people love a freebie, if the item carries your company name, they will be advertising your business every time they wear or use it.

#4 Sort out press releases for print media and news sites 

Local media outlets will have time and space to fill, so a prepared press release including some information about your business is likely to get mentioned. It may even prompt one or two of them to ask for an interview, which you would be a fool to decline as this will be free publicity. 

#5 Sponsor local events or sports teams to raise your profile

Another way to raise your profile locally would be to put some money behind an upcoming local event where your name will be displayed often. This doesn’t have to be a huge event, but something like a local charity will do some good as well as get you some attention. You could also consider sponsoring a local team and having your name on their shirts, but you would have to choose carefully to ensure that you do not blow your budget. For instance, sponsoring a local youth team should work out cheaper than a more prominent semi-professional outfit.

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